Nadyne Kasta

Artist + Producer

Q: What does 50 feel like for you?
A: Surprisingly different. Steadier, good.

Q: What’s the best part of being 50?
A: The hard bits of life have become much easier, likely because I’ve already been through some version of them before. I also feel like there’s nothing to prove anymore. Whatever I do or make or am now is simply a product of me and the things that inspire me; they don’t come from a need to convince myself or anyone else of my talent or worthiness. I feel the most happy I’ve ever felt just being me.

Q: What’s your least favourite part of being 50?
A: Knowing there’s likely less time ahead of me than behind me.

Q: What words or adjectives would you use to describe 50?
A: Brightness, clarity, ease.

Q: How is turning 50 different from turning 30 or 40?
A: I like Natalie Fraser’s answer to this question so I’ll paraphrase; it feels like I’ve summited a mountain I’ve been climbing my whole life.

All of the personal work we’ve done on ourselves - the therapy, the coaching, the books we’ve read, the difficult conversations we’ve had with loved ones, the boundaries we’ve set, the reparenting - all of that work (or lack of it) shows at this age. You really get to see the cumulative value of it. And some of us are like: “Thank God I dealt with my shit when I did!” And others are like: “Man, I can’t believe I’m STILL dealing with the same old crap.”

Q: If you could magically go back to a younger version of yourself, would you?
A: Not in a million fucking years.

Q: If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
A: It’s OK to want to be chosen and, also, you can choose yourself.
Don’t put your security outside of yourself.
Before you try to eliminate crutches, first address the reasons you turned to them to begin with.
Hang in there! It gets really good!