Natalie (Osa) Fraser

Spiritual Coach + Facilitator

Q: What does 50 feel like for you?
A: It feels like exhaling. It makes me aware of my vulnerability of physical body and strength in my mind.

Q: What’s the best part of being 50?
A: I no longer care about others judgement of me.

Q: What’s your least favourite part of being 50?
A: The strange things my body does like dryness when moistness is desired, or pain after little output, and recovery time is much longer after play.

Q: What words or adjectives would you use to describe 50?
A: Top of the mountain, flow, humorous, wise.

Q: How is turning 50 different from turning 30 or 40?
A: Confidence, means, appreciation 

Q: If you could magically go back to a younger version of yourself, would you?
A: No.

Q: If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
A: Follow your heart.
Follow the 4 agreements.
Falling down is half of it so don’t get so hurt by it.
People who are unkind are unkind because they are scared and need love.
Only hurt people hurt people.
Have a sense of humour.
Give every time you can without hurting yourself, without expectation.

Natalie can be found online here.