Photography Awards

2023 American Photography Awards | AP 39 - 2 Chosen Images | Creative Director + Producer
2022 American Photography Awards | AP 38 - Chosen Image | Producer
2022 American Photography Awards | AP 38 - Chosen Image | Creative Director
2021 Applied Arts Awards | Food Photography - Single | Producer
2021 Applied Arts Awards | Advertising Photography - Single | Producer
2017 American Photography Awards | AP 33 - Selected Image | Creative Director

Recent Press

Hi, I’m Nadyne.

I’m an artist, creative director, designer, photo + video producer and creative consultant who splits her time between Ottawa, Ontario and Los Angeles, California. When people ask, I generally say that I’m an artist and small business owner who also helps other artists execute their creative visions, and run their businesses.

I’ve been working in creative fields for over 25 years, and worn different hats in that time. TV reporting, script-writing, art direction, styling, designing, running on online shop, producing photo shoots; I’ve covered the gamut in terms of creative work.

I can be a bit of a lone wolf at times but I’m also a strong believer that collaboration, when it’s with the right people, can be incredibly transformative, and that joining forces with like-minded folks can elevate our work and yield greater results than going it alone.

What I’m known for:

  • having a strong, creative vision (and the ability to implement it)

  • helping others get clear on their creative vision (and creating actionable steps to help them implement it)

  • being an “ideas person”

  • having good instincts

  • finding and setting the appropriate tone

  • merging emotion, logic and functional needs

  • being detail-oriented

  • if it’s appropriate, injecting humour

  • working thoughtfully and efficiently

  • making a small budget look like a big one

  • je suis aussi bilingue et ça me fait toujours plaisir de communiquer et de travailler en français